Red Hill Environmental Education Centre

Learning From Our Past To Inform Our Future

Telephone02 6374 2558

Stage 2

Old Building

History: Time and Change

Time: Full Day          Location: Red Hill EEC

Time and Change focuses on Australia’s rich colonial heritage with particular reference to the Gulgong Goldfields. Students explore aspects of colonial life through engaging, hands-on experiences and investigate different perspectives such as those of women, children, immigrants and First Nations Australians.

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Yarning circle

History: Australia's First Nation's Living History

Time: Full Day          Location: Red Hill EEC

Australia has a rich and continuing cultural Students participate in hands-on, outdoor learning experiences to learn about First Nations culture on County

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The Drip

History: Australia's First Nation's Living History

Time: Full Day          Location: Hands on Rock / The Drip

This excursion visits the very special First Nations sites- Hands on Rock and The Drip. Students participate in hands-on, outdoor learning experiences to learn about First Nations culture on County.  YINDYAMARRA – do something slowly, to respect, to be gentle, to be polite, to honour and take responsibility.

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Living World: Our Relationship with Living Things

Time: Full Day          Location: Red Hill EEC

This program explores how we use and depend on the living things around us and how this relationship needs to be sustainable. Students have the opportunity to engage with a range of focus areas including honeybees, worms, alpacas, chickens and/or First Nations traditional uses.

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Living World: Precious Pollinators

Time: Full Day        Location: Red Hill EEC

Students examine the fascinating world of pollinators and flowering plants. Pollinators are essential for a biodiverse ecosystem and human food systems but are increasingly under threat.  Students will learn about flower and bee ecology, undertake a pollinator count, make seed paper and build an insect hotel.  

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Exploring Ganguddy

Time: Full Day          Location: Ganguddy (Dunn's swamp).

Students participate in a range of engaging, challenging and enjoyable activities in a natural environment, fostering the development of a strong sense of wellbeing.  Students engage with a range of equipment while building and strengthening peer relationships, problem-solving and collaboration skills.

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Sanstone pogoda

Magical Munghorn

Time: Full Day          Location: Munghorn Gap Nature Reserve

Students focus on measuring and understanding the physical features of an environment and exploring the living world of a natural bush area. Students will develop knowledge of the interdependence of living things. They will work together to develop empathy, understanding and respect and recognise the importance of the care of place by First Nations peoples. 

Program Flyer coming soon

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