Red Hill Environmental Education Centre

Learning From Our Past To Inform Our Future

Telephone02 6374 2558

Stage 5

Tree planting

Geography: Environmental Change & Management

Time: All Day          Location: Putta Bucca wetlands       

Landscapes have been changing for many thousands of years and have played a key role in the lives and culture of the local people for thousands of years. This study will enable students to understand environmental functioning and the interconnectedness between humans and the environment, the causes and consequences of environmental change over time.

                                                                  Download Program Flyer (coming soon)

grape vines

Geography: Sustainable Biomes

Time: All Day          Location: Tinja Farm

This program investigates how humans alter biomes for food production and how biomes can be used sustainably to maintain or increase the production of food. Using Lowe Family Wine Co as a case study, students will consider the relationship between sustainable agriculture and global food security.

Download Program Flyer

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