Red Hill Environmental Education Centre

Learning From Our Past To Inform Our Future

Telephone02 6374 2558

Other Programs

Eco-school logo

Eco-Schools - Leadership program

Time: Ongoing      Location: In School

Students participating in the Eco-Schools program will contribute to the assessment and improvement of their school environment by investigating and taking action on one, or more, of the Eco-Schools themes.  The program is designed to foster awareness and initiate student lead change.

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Kitchen garden

The Kitchen Garden Program

Time: Once per week       Location: In School

The Kitchen Garden program engages students in one-hour gardening and cooking lessons each week for up to four classes per day.  The program is designed for students to achieve educational, wellbeing and sustainability outcomes outcomes through curriculum-embedded, cross-KLA learning sequences. 

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Purple pea plant

Stage 3: Small Purple Pea Patrol

Time: Ongoing        Location: In School

The project aims to educate students about the nationally endangered Small Purple Pea populations found in their local area and support them to raise awareness of the species within their local community. In the process, it is hope that more populations of this beautiful pea will be discovered and protected! 

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